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1、When a bicycle borrows the motor vehicle lane, the motor vehicle may sound the horn hurriedly to warn the bicycle to yield.


2、The motor vehicle should speed up and pass rapidly under this situation.


3、When passing this mountainous road, motor vehicle drivers should drive along the center of the road.


4、When a motor vehicle breaks down on a mountain road, what should the driver do?

A、Park on a downhill section

B、Park on an uphill section

C、Park on a gentle section of the mountain road

D、Park on the crest of a slope


5、How to pass the intersection when running straight

A、turn on the hazard lights and pass

B、directly speed up and pass straight

C、yield to the vehicle from the right road

D、yield to the vehicle from the left road


6、How to reduce speed or stop when driving on a road covered with snow and ice?

A、Take full advantage of driving brake

B、Take full advantage of the control power from engine

C、Take full advantage of parking brake

D、Take full advantage of speed retarder


7、Matches, sulfur and red phosphorus belong to which of the following dangerous chemicals?


B、Oxidizing materials

C、Self-igniting articles

D、Inflammable solid materials


8、The sign on the right indicates a one-kilometer distance from ETC toll station ahead.


9、What should the driver do if he/she encounters this situation at the intersection when driving straight?

A、Sound the horn to warn the other vehicle to yield

B、Speed up and pass in the front of the vehicle

C、Turn on the headlamp to warn the other vehicle to yield

D、Slow down or stop to yield


10、Which is the correct way to use a fire extinguisher?

A、Stand on the leeward side

B、Direct the fire extinguisher at the source of fire

C、Try to approach the source of fire as close as possible

D、Direct the fire extinguisher at the flames


11、When encountering this situation in a residential area the driver should sound the horn continuously.


12、The sign on the right warns of children on the section ahead.


13、The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that the lanes ahead will merge to the left side.


14、The sign on the right side warns of an abrupt downhill section ahead.


15、When there is a sudden braking failure on a downhill road, in which ones of the following ways can drivers reduce speed?

A、Driving onto the emergency lane and reduce speed and stop there

B、Rubbing the vehicle body against the rocks or trees on roadside

C、Pulling up the handbrake first

D、Immediately changing to a low gear


16、When a tire suddenly bursts on the road, the driver should violently depress the brake pedal to reduce speed and stop the vehicle.


17、When a gas tanker is leaking heavily, which of the following measures is wrong?

A、Cut off the power

B、Wear gas mask and protect gloves

C、Turn off the valve to stop leaking

D、Evacuate people to the leeward side


18、Motor vehicles are prohibited from turning left in this situation.


19、The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that only left and right turns are permitted on the lanes ahead.


20、What should drivers do when encountering a rainstorm on a common road and the windscreen-wiper fails to make sight clear?

A、Drive at a reduced speed

B、Drive carefully

C、Cut speed in time and pull over

D、Drive at a normal speed


21、After setting off from a roadside, motor vehicle drivers should watch both sides of the road, turn left and drive into the normal lane slowly.


22、Motor vehicle drivers should use the windscreen wiper when setting off on a rainy day


23、When driving on a muddy road, what should drivers do if the wheels spin and slide?

A、Cover the ground under the wheels with gravels

B、Change to a high gear and speed out

C、Cover the ground under the driving wheels with gravels

D、Violently turn the steering wheel and suddenly leed up


24、When the motor vehicle encounters a crosswalk in this situation, the driver may speed up and pass rapidly.


25、When putting out a fire disaster that gives out corrosive steam or poisonous gas, the firefighters should wear gas masks and other related protective articles and operate from the windward side.


26、What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle on the main road approaches a junction with a feeder road?

A、Slow down in advance and pay attention to other motor vehicles

B、Maintain the normal speed

C、Sound the horn and pass rapidly

D、Speed up and pass rapidly


27、Drivers may turn left when traffic police give these hand signals.


28、What's the emergency measure to deal with a sudden tire burst on the road?

A、Swiftly braking to slow down

B、Firmly hold the steering wheel and steadily stop the vehicle as early as possible

C、Swiftly turn the steering wheel to adjust the direction

D、Go ahead at a low speed and find a place for tire change


29、Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A、Overtake the vehicle quickly on its left

B、Keep a long braking space

C、Continuously sound the horn to alert the vehicle in front

D、Overtake the vehicle quickly from its right


30、When encountering this situation in a residential area, the driver should follow them closely.


31、Which one of the following is the safest way when driving a motor vehicle on this road?

A、Cutting speed or stopping to yield

B、Driving along the center of the road

C、Keeping a normal speed

D、Approaching vehicles by taking the opposite lane


32、Motor vehicles are not permitted to change lanes in this position.


33、What should be done first after getting into the vehicle?

A、Observe the surrounding traffic situation

B、No need to observe the traffic situation around

C、Open the door and get in directly

D、Take note of the weather


34、The sign on the right side warns of a sharp right turn ahead.


35、The sign on the right indicates left turn only at the intersection ahead.


36、When the motor vehicle stops on a downhill section how should the driver use the foot brake?

A、Earlier than on a level road

B、Later than on a level road

C、As timely as on a level road

D、Gently depress the foot brake pedal


37、As shown in this flash, what should the motor vehicle driver do when encounters this situation?

A、Use the mergency brake

B、Turn sharply and pass rapidly

C、Slide over rapidly without encountering collision

D、Stop smoothly


38、Mr Peng drove a heavy semi-trailer tractor with 37.7 tons of cargo(capacity 25 tons). When descending a slope on the Daguang Expressway, the tractor had a rear-end collision with Mr. Li's heavy dump truck ( carrying 3.17 cubes of loess and 24 passengers in the container)occupying the emergency lane. As a result of this accident, 16 people were killed and 13 injured What are the main illegal acts in this case?

A、Mr Peng exceeded the speed limit

B、Mr. Peng's tractor carried more cargo than limited

C、Mr Li illegally drove in the emergency lane

D、Mr. Li's truck illegally carried passengers in the container


39、Mr Li drove a large bus with 21 passengers( capacity 35 people). He found the braking system was abnormal on the way but failed to repair it. When running on the Shuangdao Haiwan Bridge at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour(speed limit 40 km/h), the bus fell into the sea due to a braking system failure, killing 13 people and injuring 8. What's the main illegal act committed by Mr Li?


B、Fatigued drivin

C、Carrying more passengers than permitted

D、Driving a motor vehicle with potential safety hazard


40、The sign in front indicates the name and number of the highway.


41、Having driven a large passenger vehicle (carrying 44 passengers, permitted carrying capacity 44) equipped with sleepers at 44km/hour on a frozen road, at 58 km mark by 500m on 540 County Road in Yanhe County, Mr. Luo sideslipped and left the road, killing 15 people and injuring 2 7. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr Luo commit?

A、Exceeding the carrying capacity of the passenger vehicle


C、Fatigued driving

D、Improper driving


42、The sign on the right indicates that the speed limit is 50km/hour.


43、Motor vehicle drivers don't need to fasten their seatbelt


44、Turning on the high-beam is an effective way to improve visibility in fog weather.


45、Which of the following is a bad driving habit when the vehicle in front is moving slowly in a queue?

A、Cutting in and rushing to pass

B、Not overtaking other vehicles forcefully

C、Stop or pass alternatively

D、Do not occupy on a non-motor vehicle lane


46、What should be done by drivers in order to drive safely on the road in this condition?

A、Make a large turn on the left side of the road

B、Make a turn on the central line of the curve

C、Make a small turn on the right side of the road

D、Make a turn by borrowing the opposite lane


47、What should be given attention when setting off in this weather?

A、Turning on the high-beam

B、Turning on the front and rear fog lamps

C、Turning on the left indicator only

D、Continuously sounding the horn


48、When a motor vehicle passes over an inundated road drivers should change to a high gear and pass rapidly.


49、Mr. Zhou drove a light van (with 22 passengers) on the Bingcha Highway. At the spot of 79 kilometers mark by 150 meters of the highway, the van fell into the valley on one side, killing 12 people and injuring 10. What's the main illegal act committed by Mr.Zhou?

A、Driving a motor vehicle having failed to accept inspection in time

B、Carrying passengers on a freight motor vehicle


D、Fatigued driving


50、When the vehicle engine catches fire, what should the driver do first?

A、Turn off the engine as soon as possible

B、Extinguish the fire with water

C、Open the hood to extinguish the fire

D、Extinguish the fire from the leeward direction


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