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1、The sign on the right indicates a section for ascertaining the distance between the vehicles 200 meters ahead.


2、How to ensure motor vehicles have sufficient power when driving uphill?

A、Downshift before reducing speed

B、Downshift after reducing speed

C、Downshift when the speed is excessively low

D、Downshift to the fullest extent


3、When a motor vehicle equipped with ABS makes an emergency brake, the driver can tread the brake pedal heavily.


4、The sign in front indicates a one-way lane after turning right.


5、When finding a tire burst on the road, the driver should use emergency braking while controlling the direction of the vehicle at the same time to stop the vehicle qulckly.


6、When a motor vehicle passes over an inundated road what should the driver do?

A、Stop and look at the situation

B、Make sure it's safe and pass over at a low speed

C、Intermittently and gently depress the brake pedal then wading across the water

D、Continuously but gently depress the brake pedal then wading across the water


7、Drivers may turn left when seeing these hand signals.


8、Which of the following measures is correct for rescuing a person sustaining full-body burns?

A、Cover the fire with sandy soil

B、Spray cool water to his body

C、Put out the fire by extinguisher

D、Help to remove the burning clothes


9、What should motor vehicle drivers do under the circumstance shown in the flash?

A、Drive by borrowing the opposite lane

B、Brake suddenly and pass through at a lower speed

C、Drive by the outer side of the curve

D、Reduce speed fully and drive by the right side


10、It is an illegal act for the driver to make calls while driving.


11、The sign on the right is an advance announcement of the highway destination.


12、When the motor vehicle stops on an uphill section, how should the driver use the foot brake?

A、Earlier than on a level road

B、Later than on a level road

C、As timely as on a level road

D、Strongly depress the foot brake pedal


13、Drivers should drive at a lower speed when traffic police give these hand signals.


14、What influence does smoking have upon driving?

A、Harmful for safe driving

B、Increase concentration

C、Help relaxation

D、No effect on driving


15、For a temporary stop on a foggy day, the driver should only turn on the fog lamp and the low-beam


16、When driving on a long downhill road, which is the best way to control the speed?

A、Coast in neutral gear

B、Take a low gear

C、Depress the clutch

D、Pull up the handbrake


17、When evading an emergency, except for being calm what principle should be held by drivers?

A、Evading people first and then objects

B、Evading objects first and then vehicles

C、Evading vehicles first and then people

D、Evading objects first and then people


18、When a motor vehicle encounters an emergency on an expressway, the driver should not swiftly turn the steering wheel to evade.


19、When a fast-moving vehicle encounters an emergency the driver should turn to evade first and then brake to slow down so as to mitigate the damage.


20、Which one of the following is the safest way when driving a motor vehicle on this road?

A、Cutting speed or stopping to yield

B、Driving along the center of the road

C、Keeping a normal speed

D、Approaching vehicles by taking the opposite lane


21、The sign on the right warns of a danger from rockfall on the left side.


22、Which of the following is a bad driving habit?

A、Using lights in accordance with relevant rules

B、Carrying both vehicle and driving license

C、Discarding rubbish from the side window

D、Follow the guidance of the traffic signals


23、How should the driver use vehicle lights when the motor vehicle leaves a roundabout?

A、Turn on the left-turn indicator

B、Turn on the hazard lamps

C、No need to turn on any indicators

D、Turn on the right-turn indicator


24、Which one of following ways is the safest when driving a motor vehicle on this road?

A、Driving along the central line of the road

B、Driving along the right side of the road

C、Driving at the middle of the road

D、Driving along the left side of the road


25、Which one of the following ways to pass this intersection is correct?

A、Turn left or right

B、Drive straight or turn left

C、Turn left

D、Drive straight or turn right


26、Motor vehicles are not permitted to change lanes in this position.


27、The sign on the right warns of a narrowed road on both sides ahead.


28、The sign on the right indicates a 200-meter distance from the gas station ahead.


29、Drivers may cross these lane-dividing lines to change lanes in the same direction.


30、The white solid line on the right side of the road indicates the boundary of a driving lane and crosswalk.


31、What should a driver do before entering a tunnel on an expressway

A、Turn on the high-beam

B、Turn on the width lamp and the tail lamp

C、Turn on the low-beam

D、Sound the horn before entering the tunnel


32、Under such circumstances, what should be done bY motor vehicle drivers in order to yield to the pedestrians politely?

A、Set off after pedestrians pass

B、Set off and bypass in front of the pedestrians

C、Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

D、Set off and approach the pedestrians slowly


33、Two parallel broken double-yellow lines indicate the position of a diversion lane.


34、When a motor vehicle deviates from the normal direction due to steering failure and an accident is unavoidable, what should the driver do?

A、Apply emergency brake

B、Immediately steer and adjust

C、Immediately steer to the side where there is no obstacle and evade

D、Immediately steer to the side where there is an obstacle and evade


35、When rescuing a wounded person in coma causing by excessive blood loss, it is necessary to take measures to prevent heat loss.


36、Under such circumstances, motor vehicle drivers lould follow the vehicle in front and drive into the Intersection to wait.


37、Under such circumstances, motor vehicle drivers may sound the horn at the proper time and speed up to pass through.


38、Which of the following is a safe way for motor vehicles to pass the intersection marked with this sign?

A、Stop and observe the traffic situation around the intersection

B、Approach the intersection by speeding up

C、Observe the traffic situation on the left rear side

D、Approach the intersection at a reduced speed


39、Having driven his vehicle at 110km/hour on an urban road, Mr. Lin is trying to leave the scene after a rear-end collision but is held back by bystanders. The alcohol concentration in his blood, tested in an alcohol test by the traffic police, is 135.8mg per hundred milliliters. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr. Lin commit?

A、Drunk driving


C、Fatigued driving

D、Hit-and-run driving


40、What should be done to keep safe when a motor vehicle driver is overtaking in this condition?

A、Reducing speed and keeping a safe distance

B、Continuously sounding the horn to indicate the vehicle in front

C、Accelerating to pass while keeping a certain distance

D、Overtaking by occupying the opposite lane


41、The sign on the right indicates a one-kilometer distance from the ETC toll station.


42、When a wounded person suffering burns is thirsty, he should only drink plain boiled water.


43、What should be done by motor vehicle drivers in order to yield politely to such pedestrians?

A、Speed up and bypass in front of the pedestrians

B、Speed up and bypass from behind the pedestrians

C、Reduce speed or stop to yield

D、Continuously sound the horn to alert the pedestrians


44、What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle passes a school?

A、Observe the traffic signs and markings

B、Slow down and pass slowly

C、Prohibited from sounding the horn

D、Pass rapidly


45、The sign on the right warns of a guarded crossing 150 meters ahead.


46、As shown in the flash, what should the motor vehicle driver do when encountering this situation?

A、Reserve a safe crosswise distance and cut speed

B、Keep a normal speed

C、Use the emergency brake when approaching

D、Speed up and pass rapidly


47、When a motor vehicle has deviated from the straight moving direction and an accident is unavoidable, the driver should decisively and continuously depress the brake pedal so as to shorten the stopping distance and reduce the impact of vehicle collision.


48、A motor vehicle should not obstruct other vehicles when it enters the driving lane from an acceleration lane.


49、After a traffic accident, what is the most effective measure to prevent secondary accidents?

A、Evacuate all passengers

B、Turn on the hazard lamps

C、Mark the original place of the injured persons

D、Properly place the danger warning sign


50、When driving on the expressway in a heavy rain, what should the driver do to avoid "water sliding" phenomenon?

A、Install slide-proof devices

B、Speed up

C、Slow down

D、Continue to depress the brake


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