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1、Turning on the high-beam is an effective way to improve visibility in fog weather.


2、When driving on a road covered with ice and snow, the motor vehicle may spin or slide when increasing the speed urgently, due to the loss of vehicle stability.


3、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Reducing speed 40m ahead

B、Minimum speed is 40km/hr

C、Axle weight limit is 40 tons

D、Maximum speed limit is 40km/hr


4、At the scene of a traffic accident, once there is a leakage of toxic and harmful substances, people must be evacuated at the first time and alarmed immediately.


5、Which is correct when riding a motorcycle

A、Both hands can temporarily leave the steering handle bar

B、Voluntarily operate the steering handle bar

C、It is prohibited to simultaneously move two hands from the steering handle bar

D、It is able to statically turn the steering handle bar


6、Driving a motor vehicle in the downhill section of a mountain road avoids overtaking as much as possible because _______.

A、Vehicle resistance in downhill section is very high

B、Vehicles on downhill sections are more difficult to control than on flat roads due to gravity.

C、In downhill section, the front speed is faster and it is difficult to overtake.

D、Vehicles on downhill sections tend to be too fast due to gravity


7、Under such circumstances, the driver should stop the vehicle and yield to pedestrians.


8、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Bump road

B、Low-lying road

C、High outburst road

D、Hump bridge


9、How to drive a car safely when the sight of rain, snow, fog is not clear or the road is slippery?

A、Increase the horizontal distance

B、Reduce speed and run

C、Speed up and run

D、Stop to yield when necessary


10、When the tire pressure is too low, what can happen when driving at a high speed?

A、Tire pressure will be unstable

B、Tire pressure will increase

C、Driving resistance will decrease

D、The tire will burst


11、When overtaking a motor vehicles on uphill sections of a mountain road, the driver should _____.

A、Honk in advance

B、Forward cars are allowed to overtake before overtaking.

C、Turn on the left-turn signal in advance

D、Speed up direct and overtake


12、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Stop by the left side of the road

B、Downhill section left

C、Left turn only

D、Run by the left side of the road


13、What should be done by motor vehicle drivers in order to yield politely to such pedestrians?

A、Speed up and bypass in front of the pedestrians

B、Speed up and bypass from behind the pedestrians

C、Reduce speed or stop to yield

D、Continuously sound the horn to alert the pedestrians


14、How to follow a motor vehicle safely on the road?

A、Observe the front vehicle conditions

B、Drive on the left side of the road as far as possible

C、Be ready to slow down at any time

D、Keep a safe distance


15、After setting off from the roadside, motor vehicle drivers should speed up as soon as possible and make a sharp left-turn in order to drive into the normal lane.


16、When rescuers enter the scene to rescue the wounded after harmful gas leakage caused by traffic accidents, they must wear air respirators or cover their mouth and nose with wet towels.


17、What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but the motor vehicle in front neither reduces its speed nor allows the right of way?

A、Continuously sounding the horn and accelerating to overtake

B、Accelerating and continuing to overtake

C、Refraining from overtaking

D、Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake


18、What are the main reasons why driving a motor vehicle should not overtake on rainy days?

A、It is not easy for drivers around to see the overtaking signal.

B、Can not accurately judge the distance of vehicles around

C、Road is wet and slippery, and vehicles are prone to sideslip

D、The driver can not detect dangerous in time


19、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、U turn


C、Left turn



20、How should the driver pass this place safely?

A、Speed up and pass in the front of the pedestrians

B、Bypass behind the pedestrians

C、Slow down and sound the horn

D、Stop and wait until the pedestrians pass


21、There is a risk of overtaking when driving a motor vehicle approaches the top of the slope on a mountainous road, because _____.

A、When approaching the top of the slope, the line of sight is blocked and it is impossible to observe the traffic situation.

B、When approaching the top of the slope, the line of sight is blocked. It is impossible to observe whether there are obstacles behind the top of the slope.

C、The speed is slower when approaching the top of the slope.

D、When approaching the top of the slope, the line of sight is blocked and the road direction behind the top of the slope can not be observed.


22、Which of the following is a bad habit when changing lanes?

A、Turning on the indicator in advance

B、Observing closely before changing a lane

C、Change lanes at will

D、Not obstructing the passing of other normally moving vehicles


23、You can make an U turn at this intersection.


24、When approaching another vehicle at night, why should the driver alternate between high-and-low-beam at a distance more than 150 meters?

A、Warn each other before passing

B、Driving habit

C、Easy to observe the situation ahead from either side



25、when passing an intersection without traffic lights, the driver finds people are crossing the street, the wrong measure for the driver to take is to __________.

A、Reduce speed or stop and yield

B、Honk to urge the pedestrians


D、Weave through the pedestrians


26、Under such circumstances, motor vehicle drivers may sound the horn at the proper time and speed up to pass through.


27、When there is no bondage for rescuing a wounded person, towels, handkerchiefs, bed sheets and stockings can be used for dressing.


28、A driver should accelerate in advance to overtake then it is likely to meet with oncoming vehicles.


29、When driving on a damp and slippery road, drivers should avoid using the emergency brake to his/her best ability.


30、When driving motor vehicles on the uphill section of a mountain road, the driver should _____.

A、Always pay attention to downstream vehicles

B、Advance at a uniform speed.

C、Avoid shifting whenever possible

D、Choosing high speed gear


31、When putting out a fire disaster that gives out erosive steam or poisonous gas, the firefighters should wear gas masks and other related protective articles and should operate from the windward side.


32、The continuously flashing yellow light is to warn that the driver should look and make sure it is safe to pass.


33、What should the driver do when the motor vehicle encounters this situation in front of a school?

A、Bypass before the queue

B、Slow down and pass slowl

C、Stop promptly and yield

D、Go through in the spaces between the queues


34、It is not a bad habit for a driver to frequently change lanes.


35、When rescuing a wounded person in coma, it is necessary to take warm-keeping measures to prevent heat loss.


36、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Reduce speed and go slowly

B、Watch for danger

C、Jammed section

D、Accident-prone section


37、Whats the meaning of the double white broken lines in far front of the intersection?

A、Waiting to run line

B、Stopping and yield line

C、Slowdown and yield line

D、Left-turn waiting line


38、What is the most frequent problem for driving on a muddy road?

A、High resistance force

B、Sideways slide

C、The motor vehicle bumps

D、Steering failure


39、What is the purpose of checking before driving?

A、Confirm whether the tyres of motor vehicles are damaged or not

B、Confirm whether there is a safety hazard near the vehicle.

C、Confirm whether there are obstacles around the vehicle

D、Confirm whether the road in front of the vehicle is safe


40、When using emergency brake, be aware of keeping the body of the motorcycle being perpendicular to the ground to avoid sideslip.


41、It is unsafe to ride a motorcycle by high-heel shoes.


42、What should be checked before driving?

A、No parts need to be checked

B、Whether the tires have been cleaned

C、Where the spare tire is placed

D、The fastening and air pressure of tires


43、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Slippery section

B、Sharp curve

C、Inverse curve

D、Continuous curves


44、When following a vehicle on the road, the distance from the vehicle in front is not important. As long as the driver goes forward at the same speed as the vehicle in front does, he/she can avoid a rear-end collision.


45、When passing another vehicle on a foggy day, what should drivers do?

A、Slow down and pass slowly

B、Maintain a safety distance

C、Properly use lamps

D、Drive at a high speed


46、What is the meaning of this sign?


B、Students’ passage

C、Watch for pedestrians

D、Children’s passage


47、When the vehicles cross each other at night, what should the driver do if the vehicle coming in the opposite direction don’t turn off the high beam light?

A、Reduce speed for yield or stop on the right side.

B、Continuous change lights to remind the vehicle coming in the opposite direction

C、Turn on the high lights and force the coming car to change the lights

D、Move his sight to the right side to evade the light


48、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Stop to yield

B、No stopping temporarily

C、No entry

D、No long stopping


49、When a motor vehicle passes over an overflowing bridge, what should the driver do after stopping and observing closely?

A、Change to a high gear and pass rapidly

B、Constantly observe the changes of the flow

C、Prepare to stop at any time

D、Change to a low gear and pass through at a constant speed


50、Which of the following measures is correct for rescuing a person sustaining full-body burns?

A、Cover the fire with sandy soil

B、Spray cool water to his body

C、Put out the fire by extinguisher

D、Help to remove the burning clothes


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