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1、While driving a motorcycle, it is permitted to keep one hand on the handlebar but not allowed two hands leave handle bars at the same time.


2、When a motor vehicle passes over an inundated road the driver should change to a low gear and pass at a constant speed.


3、If a person escapes after causing a traffic accident and constitutes a crime, his driving license should be revoked and he is banned _____ from re-obtaining a driving license.

A、within 5 years

B、within 10 years

C、within 20 years

D、for lifetime


4、How to use lights when changing to the left lane on road?

A、turn on the right-turn signal in advance

B、not need to turn on any turn signal

C、turn on the left-turn signal in advance

D、turn on the low beam lights in advance


5、When approaching a sharp curve, motor vehicle drivers should reduce speed only after entering the curve.


6、What should the driver do when encountering a vehicle from the opposite direction on a road without a central line?

A、driving closly by the roadside

B、driving by the central of the road

C、reducing speed and driving by right side

D、run by using the lane for non-motorized vehicles


7、Traffic Police can detain the vehicle according to law if the driver does not carry the ID card.


8、A driver may drive a motorized vehicle after the driving license has been lost within 3 months.


9、If a person who has caused a major traffic accident and if his act constitutes a crime, he may not be held for criminal liabilities.


10、When the tire pressure is too low, what can happen when driving at a high speed?

A、Tire pressure will be unstable

B、Tire pressure will increase

C、Driving resistance will decrease

D、The tire will burst


11、How long is the period of probation after a motorized vehicle driver obtains his driving license for the first time or the permission to drive higher level vehicles.

A、6 months

B、12 months

C、2 years

D、3 months


12、If one drives an illegalled assembled motorized vehicle, he should not only pay the fine, but also ________ .

A、be confiscated the driving license

B、be revoked the driving permission

C、be forced to recover the vehicle condition

D、be revoked the driving license


13、When running on the road having maximum speed limit signs, the motorized vehicle is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed.


14、When causing a road accident involving property damage, the party should leave the scene on his own but he does not leave and causes a traffic jam, he may be subject to a fine of 200 yuan.


15、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、overtaking ban is lifted

B、changing lane is allowed

C、changing lane ban is lifted

D、borrowing lane ban is lifted


16、When a motor vehicle temporarily stops in fog, which lamp should be turned on?

A、Hazard lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

B、Left-turn indicator, clearance lamp and rear position amp

C、Headlamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

D、Reverse lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp


17、If a motorized vehicle driver causes a traffic accident and runs away but his conduct does not constitute a crime, he is subject to a 12-point penalty.


18、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、watch for pedestrians


C、village or town

D、primary school


19、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、reducing speed 40m ahead

B、minimum speed is 40km/hr

C、axle weight limit is 40 tons

D、maximum speed limit is 40km/hr


20、After causing a road accident, the vehicle driver needs to change the scene for rescuing the wounded, the driver should mark the location.


21、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、bump road

B、low-lying road

C、high outburst road

D、hump bridge


22、When a motorized vehicle crosses a non-motorized vehicle on a narrow road or a narrow bridge at night, the motorized vehicle should use the high beam light.


23、When driving on a snowy day, drivers should follow the tracks on the road before them.


24、How to do when causing a minor traffic accident with no human casualties and no dispute?

A、do not move the vehicle

B、counsel other vehicles bypass

C、leave the scene and discuss on their own

D、protect the scene and discuss


25、If a motorized vehicle driver has caused a major accident in violation of the traffic regulations which has caused human serious injury or death, the driver is subject to________.

A、a prison term of less than 3 years or a criminal detention

B、a prison term of more than 5 years

C、a prison term of 3 ~ 7 years

D、a prison term of more than 7 years


26、When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A、Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B、Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowl

C、Park in a safe place

D、Drive slowly close to the roadside


27、Driving a motorized vehicle shall not overtake in tunnels, steep slopes and other special sections.


28、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、downhill section on right side

B、driving by the right side of the road

C、stopping by the right side of the road

D、right turn only


29、A motorized vehicle driver who uses falsified or altered driving license is subject to a 12-point penalty.


30、How to ensure safe driving at night?

A、Drive at speed limit

B、Cut speed and drive carefully

C、Maintain the current speed

D、Drive above the speed limit


31、Full penalty points of a scoring cycle because of violating the traffic regulations is 12 points.


32、It is an illegal act for the driver to make calls while driving.


33、What should the driver do to follow other motor vehicles on a mountain road?

A、Closely follow the vehicle in front

B、Increase the safety distance

C、Reduce the vertical distance between vehicles

D、Try to overtake the vehicle in front as soon as possible


34、When driving on a road covered with ice and snow, the motor vehicle may spin or slide when increasing the speed urgently, due to the loss of vehicle stability.


35、How long is the period of probation of a motor vehicle driver who has applied for a driver license for the first time?

A、18 months

B、16 months

C、12 months

D、6 months


36、If the accumulated penalty points of a motorized vehicle driver reach 12 points and the driver refuses to participate in the study course and also refuses to take tests, it should be publicly announced that his driving license should no longer be used.


37、When a motor vehicle temporarily stops at night, which lamp should be turned on?

A、Front and rear fog lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

B、Head lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

C、Hazard lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

D、Reverse lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp


38、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、no stopping temporarily

B、no long stopping

C、no stopping

D、long stopping is allowed


39、When driving on a damp and slippery road, drivers should avoid using the emergency brake to his/her best ability.


40、When a motorcycle goes down a long slope, it should run at a lower gear and fully use the engine to brake.


41、When driving a motor vehicle into a traffic flow, drivers should not hold up other vehicles.


42、Which is subject to a 6-point penalty?

A、use other vehicle’s vehicle license

B、run 50% faster than the prescribed speed limit

C、illegally occupy emergency lane

D、drive after drinking


43、A correct measure to avoid tire burst of motor vehicles is to lower the tire pressure.


44、How to reduce speed or stop when driving on a road covered with snow and ice?

A、Take full advantage of driving brake

B、Take full advantage of the control power from engine

C、Take full advantage of parking brake

D、Take full advantage of speed retarder


45、How to cross each other on a narrow mountain road without the central dividing line?

A、The vehicle not close to the mountain goes first

B、The vehicle close to the mountain goes first

C、The empty vehicle goes first

D、The slow-moving vehicle goes first


46、A motorized vehicle driver who escapes or commits other extremely serious acts after causing a major accident in violation of the traffic regulations is subject to a prison term of more than 7 years.


47、What is the most frequent problem for driving on a muddy road?

A、High resistance force

B、Sideways slide

C、The motor vehicle bumps

D、Steering failure


48、A driver can park the vehicle by borrowing the sidewalk if he cannot find the parking area.


49、Within how long should a driver whose information has changed apply for new license?

A、30 days

B、40 days

C、50 days

D、60 days


50、When a tire blowout on the road, the driver should swiftly depress the brake pedal to reduce speed, do all his can to control the steering wheel and stop the vehicle as soon as possible.


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