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1、It is not safe for a female driver to wear high heels to drive a vehicle.


2、When approaching a sharp curve, motor vehicle drivers should reduce speed only after entering the curve.


3、Which of the following measures should be taken first when rescuing a wounded person suffering blood loss?


B、Dress the wounds

C、Stop bleeding



4、Having driven his vehicle at 110km/hour on an urban road, Mr. Lin is trying to leave the scene after a rear-end collision but is held back by bystanders. The alcohol concentration in his blood, tested in an alcohol test by the traffic police, is 135.8mg per hundred milliliters. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr. Lin commit?

A、Drunk driving


C、Fatigued driving

D、Hit-and-run driving


5、When the electric equipment and gasoline of a motor vehicle catches fire, the driver may extinguish the fire with water.


6、What should motor vehicle drivers do when parking temporarily on a rainy day?

A、Turn on hazard lamp

B、Turn on front and back fog lamp

C、Turn on low-beam

D、Set up warning sign at the back of the vehicle


7、The driver should take emergency evasion measures when the motor vehicle suddenly self-ignites. Which ones of the following methods are correct?

A、Spray clean water to extinguish the fire

B、Report to the police

C、Use the spare fire extinguisher in the vehicle to put out the fire

D、Set up a warning sign in the oncoming direction


8、Under such circumstances, what should the motor venicle driver do?

A、Reduce speed and yield by the left side

B、Reduce speed and yield by the right side

C、Speed up and yield by the left side

D、Go ahead along the original route


9、When parking temporarily in this situation, motor vehicle drivers are allowed to turn the steering wheel right to avoid sliding.


10、Under such circumstances, motor vehicle drivers should stop and yield


11、When a motor vehicle breaks down on a mountain road, what should the driver do?

A、Park on a downhill section

B、Park on an uphill section

C、Park on a gentle section of the mountain road

D、Park on the crest of a slope


12、When encountering an obstacle on one side of the road, what should vehicles do as they approach each other?

A、The vehicle not encountering an obstacle should Yield to the other vehicle

B、The slower vehicle should yield to the faster

C、The vehicle encountering an obstacle should yield to the other vehicle

D、The faster vehicle should yield to the slower


13、Which one of the following statements is the safest measure for a motor vehicle driver to take on this kind of road?

A、Accelerate to overtake the vehicle in front as soon as possible

B、Sound the horn to warn the vehicle in front to vield

C、Follow the vehicle in front and keep a certain distance

D、Overtake the vehicle in front from its righthand


14、When running on an expressway with three lanes in each direction, which one of the following lanes is not appropriate for the motor vehicle to use if its speed ranges between 90 kilometers per hour and 110 kilometers per hour?

A、The far left lane

B、The middle lane

C、The far right lane

D、Any lane


15、What influence does smoking have upon driving?

A、Harmful for safe driving

B、Increase concentration

C、Help relaxation

D、No effect on driving


16、After a motor vehicle falls into water, the driver won't be able to open the side doors or windows to escape until water nearly fills up the compartment.


17、When a motor vehicle enters an expressway from the ramp, which of the following lamps should be turned on?

A、The left-turn indicator

B、The right-turn indicator

C、The hazard warning lamp

D、The headlamp


18、The sign on the left indicates U-turn is allowed here.


19、The driver may not yield when the motor vehicle encounters this situation at the intersection.


20、The motor vehicle may promptly overtake the vehicle in front from the left side in this situation.


21、After speeding up to more than 60 km/hour, a motor vehicle driver may drive onto the driving lane directly.


22、Mr. Zou drove a large sleeper coach (capacity 35 people and carrying 47 passengers). At the spot of 938 kilometers of the Jinggang'ao Expressway, large amounts of dangerous chemicals in the coach blew up, killing 41 people and injuring 6. What are the main illegal acts in this case?

A、Carrying more passengers than permitted

B、Passengers carried flammable and explosive substances


D、Illegal parking


23、When a motor vehicle accidentally hits the guardrail of a highway, an effective protective measure is to turn dramatically in the opposite direction.


24、What does this sign on the fly-over junction indicate?

A、Turn right

B、Drive straight or turn left

C、Drive straight or turn right

D、Take a U-turn under bridge


25、The sign on the right warns of a ferry crossing 100 meters after turning right at the intersection ahead.


26、When encountering a school bus which stops at the right roadside and students are embarking or disembarking, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A、If there is only one motor vehicle lane in each direction, motor vehicle drivers behind the bus should stop and wait.

B、If there are two motor vehicle lanes in each direction, motor vehicle drivers in the left lane behind the bus may overtake the bus at a lower speed

C、If there are three motor vehicle lanes in each direction, motor vehicle drivers in the middle lane behind the bus should stop and wait

D、If there are three motor vehicle lanes in each direction, motor vehicle drivers in the left lane behind the bus may pass at a lower speed


27、When entering an expressway ramp, which of the following statements is correct?

A、Drivers are allowed to overtake other vehicles

B、Drivers are prohibited from making U-turns

C、Drivers are allowed to stop

D、Drivers are allowed to reverse


28、Motor vehicles are not permitted to change lanes in this position.


29、The sign on the right indicates that no restriction for temporary parking.


30、When there is a braking failure on a downhill road, if there is no other alternative, the driver may rub the vehicle body against the rocks and trees on roadside to force the vehicle to slow down and stop.


31、The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that there is an intersection on the right side of the road.


32、When a motor vehicle temporarily stops in fog, which lamp should be turned on?

A、Hazard lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

B、Left-turn indicator, clearance lamp and rear position amp

C、Headlamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

D、Reverse lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp


33、Which one of following ways is the safest when driving a motor vehicle on this road?

A、Driving along the central line of the road

B、Driving along the right side of the road

C、Driving at the middle of the road

D、Driving along the left side of the road


34、Which of the following is a bad habit when changing lanes?

A、Turning on the indicator in advance

B、Observing closely before changing a lane

C、Change lanes at will

D、Not obstructing the passing of other normally moving vehicles


35、When fixing the unexposed bones in position, it is necessary to exceed the upper and lower joints of the wounded body part.


36、The sign on the right warns of a non-motor vehicle lane.


37、When a motor vehicle moves through water, the driver should try to maintain a constant speed and sufficient power and pass through without stopping.


38、When the engine suddenly stalls on the road, what should the driver do?

A、Stop the vehicle and overhaul it immediately

B、Immediately turn on the hazard lamps

C、Move the vehicle to a place where it will not obstruct the traffic flow

D、Set up a breakdown warning sign


39、When driving on an expressway, which of the following statements is correct?

A、Drives are not allowed to drive by riding or rolling on the lane dividing line

B、Drivers are prohibited from driving on road olders

C、Drivers may overtake on the ramp, the acceleration lane or the deceleration lane

D、Drivers are prohibited from learning to drive


40、What should the driver do in case the public bus suddenly pulls out from this bus station?

A、Stop behind the public bus

B、Overtake the public bus rapidly

C、Slow down and overtake the public bus slowly

D、Sound the horn continuously to warn the public bus


41、Having driven a medium passenger vehicle (carrying 27 passengers) to the southern end of Qianling Village of Sidu Town, Mr Xu drove upslope but the vehicle slid backward and dropped from an 80-meter cliff, killing 11 people and injuring 7. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr Luo commit?

A、Fatigued driving

B、Drunk driving

C、Exceeding the carrying capacity of the passenger vehicle



42、A driver should speed up when passing through road sections with this traffic marking.


43、Which one of the following is a safe way for motor vehicles to converge into an intersection marked with this sign?

A、Speeding up and driving into the traffic flow directly

B、Driving into the traffic flow behind the gray car on the main road

C、Driving into the traffic flow from the front of the red car on the main road

D、Turning on the indicator and driving into the flow directly


44、When driving on an expressway, where should the driver park?

A、The service area

B、The acceleration lane

C、The deceleration lane

D、On the ramp


45、When parking temporarily on a snowy day, drivers should turn on the headlamp and fog lamp.


46、The sign in front is an advance announcement of the directions led by this intersection.


47、When there is bleeding at the bone fracture of a wounded person, the first thing to do is to fix the wounded part in position, then stop the bleeding and dress the wound.


48、When approaching another vehicle at night, why should the driver alternate between high-and-low-beam at a distance more than 150 meters?

A、Warn each other before passing

B、Driving habit

C、Easy to observe the situation ahead from either side



49、How many kinds of law-breaking acts are displayed in flash 6?






50、Crossing the broken white line on the right edge of the road is allowed.


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