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1、What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but finds that the vehicle in front is also overtaking?

A、Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake it

B、Accelerating to overtake forcefully

C、Continuously sounding the horn to urge the vehicle in front to yield

D、Refraining from overtaking and letting the vehicle in front overtake first


2、What should the driver do to ensure safe driving when the motor vehicle encounters this situation in a residential area?

A、Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians

B、Speed up and pass as quickly as possible

C、Retain a normal speed

D、Slow down and prepare to stop


3、When approaching another vehicle at night, why should the driver alternate between high-and-low-beam at a distance more than 150 meters?

A、Warn each other before passing

B、Driving habit

C、Easy to observe the situation ahead from either side



4、The motor vehicle equipped with ABS may sideslip during an emergency brake.


5、Under such circumstances, the motor vehicle driver should voluntarily reduce speed and let the vehicle behind overtake.


6、The sign on the right side indicates no entry for all vehicles.


7、When driving on this dangerous mountainside road motor vehicle drivers should drive along the left side of the road.


8、Which one of following ways is the safest when driving a motor vehicle on this road?

A、Driving along the central line of the road

B、Driving along the right side of the road

C、Driving at the middle of the road

D、Driving along the left side of the road


9、When a motor vehicle deviates from the normal direction due to steering failure, what should the driver do?

A、Immediately steer and adjust

B、Reduce speed and stop the vehicle as early as possible

C、Steer to the side where there is no obstacle to evade

D、Steer to the side where there is an obstacle to evade


10、When driving on a muddy road, what should the driver do?

A、Try to avoid using the foot brake

B、Drive slowly in mid or low gear

C、Firmly hold the steering wheel

D、Speed up and pass through


11、When driving on a muddy road, what should drivers do to pass at an even speed without stopping?

A、Use the handbrake

B、Press the clutch pedal

C、Press the brake pedal

D、Use the accelerator pedal


12、In the flash, it is correct for the driver to behave this way when there is a traffic jam caused by an accident on the expressway.?


13、The broken yellow line in the center of the road indicates that bypassing by crossing the line is prohibited in any condition.


14、The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that only U-turns are permitted at the intersection ahead.


15、What should drivers keep in mind when driving on amountainous road?

A、Keep a safe distance

B、Avoid occupancy of another lane when making a turn

C、Downshift in advance when ascending an abrupt slope

D、Taking full advantage of engine braking when descending a long slope


16、What should the driver do in this condition?

A、Go through normally on the right side

B、Sound the horn and speed up to go through the tunnel

C、Stop and yield to the oncoming vehicle

D、Turn on the headlamp to warn the oncoming vehicle to yield


17、Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving straight or turning left in this situation.


18、Drivers are not allowed to cross these lane-dividing lines when overtaking in the same direction.


19、What should the driver do in case the public bus suddenly pulls out from this bus station?

A、Stop behind the public bus

B、Overtake the public bus rapidly

C、Slow down and overtake the public bus slowly

D、Sound the horn continuously to warn the public bus


20、When driving on this dangerous mountainside road, motor vehicles should drive along the right side of the road.


21、The broken and solid white line on the road indicates that crossing is allowed on the solid line side.


22、Mr. Qian drove a large sleeper coach with 45 passengers (capacity 40 people) at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour. On a long slope with sharp curves in Basu County, the coach fell into a 100-meter-deep valley, killing 17 people and injuring 20. What's the main illegal act committed by MrQian?

A、Making a cellphone call while driving


C、Carrying more people than permitted

D、Fatigued driving


23、The driver should turn left by the left side of the intersection central point.


24、When a motor vehicle skids sideways on a muddy road, the driver should turn the steering wheel in the direction of the rear wheel skidding to properly adjust the direction.


25、When overtaking on a rainy day, drivers should turn on headlamps and sound a long horn.


26、What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but the motor vehicle in front neither reduces its speed nor allows the right of way?

A、Continuously sounding the horn and accelerating to overtake

B、Accelerating and continuing to overtake

C、Refraining from overtaking

D、Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake


27、The road marking on the right lane indicates that drivers may temporarily borrow the special lane for buses.


28、What should the driver do when he/she encounters an oncoming ambulance in the same lane?

A、Keep to the side and reduce speed or stop to yield

B、Drive ahead by occupying another lane

C、Yield by speeding up and changing lanes

D、Drive ahead in the original lane


29、The sign on the right warns of an unguarded railway intersection ahead.


30、The sign on the right warns of a wildlife protection area ahead.


31、Having driven his vehicle at 110km/hour on an urban road, Mr. Lin is trying to leave the scene after a rear-end collision but is held back by bystanders. The alcohol concentration in his blood, tested in an alcohol test by the traffic police, is 135.8mg per hundred milliliters. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr. Lin commit?

A、Drunk driving


C、Fatigued driving

D、Hit-and-run driving


32、What should the driver do when he/she sees this sign on the road?

A、Use emergency braking

B、Slow down and take a look

C、Sound the horn intermittently

D、Prepare to bypass


33、Sideslip happens most easily on which one of the following road surfaces?

A、Dry concrete road

B、Road surface at the beginning of rain

C、Damp concrete road surface

D、Road in heavy rain


34、When temporarily parking on a raining day, what kind of lamp should the driver turn on?

A、Front and back fog lamps

B、Hazard warning lamp


D、Reversing lamp


35、When driving a motor vehicle equipped with power steering, the driver should firmly hold the steering wheel and drive slowly if he/she suddenly finds that steering is difficult.


36、When the motor vehicle stops on a downhill section how should the driver use the foot brake?

A、Earlier than on a level road

B、Later than on a level road

C、As timely as on a level road

D、Gently depress the foot brake pedal


37、The sign on the right warns that the road will narrow over the next 5 kilometers.


38、When rescuing a wounded person suffering from bone fracture, which of the following should be kept in mind?

A、Immediately send him/her to the hospital on a stretcher

B、Properly change the original posture when the injured person wounded

C、Dress the fracture with a bandage

D、Do not move the fractured body-part


39、How should lamps be used when setting off in this situation?

A、Turn on the high-beam

B、Turn on the left indicator only

C、Turn on the left indicator and low-beam

D、Turn on hazard lamp


40、When the fuel of a motor vehicle catches fire, which of the following things cannot be used to put out the fire?

A、Sandy soil on the roadside

B、Cotton-padded clothes




41、The sign on the right indicates an inspection station 100 meters ahead.


42、The area in the yellow rectangle markings on the right side of the road indicates that temporary stopping is permitted here.


43、When encountering a school bus which stops at the right roadside and students are embarking or disembarking, and there is only one motor vehicle lane in each direction, motor vehicle drivers behind the bus should stop and wait.


44、When following other vehicles on the uphill section of a mountain road, what should the driver do if the vehicle in front stops?

A、Overtake from either side of the front vehicle

B、Stop close to the vehicle in front

C、Stop with a larger space from the vehicle in front

D、Sound the horn continuously to warn the other driver


45、When encountering children in this condition, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A、Go ahead by following the children closely

B、Speed up and overtake from the left side of the children

C、Sound the horn to alert the children

D、Reduce speed or stop to yield


46、The sign in front gives information about the direction of road exits.


47、When a motor vehicle encounters thick fog on an expressway and the visibility is poor, the driver should immediately brake and stop.


48、A motor vehicle should not obstruct other vehicles when it enters the driving lane from an acceleration lane.


49、Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A、Continuously sound the horn

B、Pass quickly

C、Pass at a lower speed

D、Bypass from either side


50、Where is the proper parking place for motor vehicles driving on an expressway?

A、On the expressway ramp

B、In the acceleration lane

C、In the deceleration lane

D、In a service area


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