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1、When encountering this situation in a residential area the driver should speed up and pass in front of the bicycle.


2、The cross-hatched marking indicates an area where vehicle drivers are not allowed to stop.


3、The driver should turn on the left-turn indicator after entering the acceleration lane on an expressway.


4、Drivers may turn left when seeing these hand signals.


5、Mr. Zhou drove a light van (with 22 passengers) on the Bingcha Highway. At the spot of 79 kilometers mark by 150 meters of the highway, the van fell into the valley on one side, killing 12 people and injuring 10. What's the main illegal act committed by Mr.Zhou?

A、Driving a motor vehicle having failed to accept inspection in time

B、Carrying passengers on a freight motor vehicle


D、Fatigued driving


6、If a motor vehicle misses an exit on the expressway, the driver may reverse along the road shoulder.


7、What should the driver do when seeing these hand signals?

A、Go straight and pass through the intersection

B、Stop and wait

C、Turn right at the intersection

D、Turn left at the intersection


8、The sign on the right warns of traffic signals ahead.


9、Under such circumstances, motor vehicles are allowed to cross the central solid line to overtake.


10、When a motor vehicle turns left at this intersection the driver should change to the left lane in advance by the guide arrow.


11、The area in the yellow rectangle markings on the right side of the road indicates that temporary stopping is permitted here.


12、The sign on the right warns of a guarded railway intersection ahead.


13、When encountering this situation in a residential area, the driver should follow them closely.


14、Under such circumstances, what should be done bY motor vehicle drivers in order to yield to the pedestrians politely?

A、Set off after pedestrians pass

B、Set off and bypass in front of the pedestrians

C、Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

D、Set off and approach the pedestrians slowly


15、Motor vehicles are permitted to move to the right lane at this intersection.


16、The sign on the right warns of a widened left-hand road ahead.


17、Under such circumstances, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A、Follow the vehicle closely

B、Overtake the vehicle quickly on its left

C、Keep a long braking distance

D、Overtake the vehicle quickly on its right


18、For evading an emergency on an expressway, which of the following principles should drivers stick to?

A、Evading vehicles first and objects later

B、Evading people first and objects later

C、Evading vehicles first and people later

D、Evading objects first and people later


19、What should the driver do when the motor vehicle encounters this situation in front of a school?

A、Bypass before the queue

B、Slow down and pass slowl

C、Stop promptly and yield

D、Go through in the spaces between the queues


20、In such circumstances, which one of the following statements is the safest measure for a motor vehicle driver to take?

A、Accelerate to overtake the vehicle in front as soon as possibl

B、Voluntarily reduce speed and refrain from overtaking

C、Sound the horn to warn the vehicle in front to yield

D、Turn on the headlamp to warn the oncoming vehicle to yield


21、The sign on the right warns of a village or town ahead suggesting a 30km/hour speed.


22、When there is a braking failure on a downhill road the driver should change the gear to one position or two positions lower, and control the speed by taking advantage of the braking role of the engine.


23、The sign in front indicates a one-way lane after turning left.


24、The sign on the right warns of a wildlife protection area ahead.


25、Under the circumstances shown in the flash, what should be done by the vehicle in front?

A、Reduce speed swiftly or apply emergency brake

B、Drive at a higher speed after giving a proper space

C、Reduce speed and yield by the right side of the road

D、Drive at a higher speed by the right side of the road


26、Mr. Tao drove a midsize bus with 33 passengers. At the spot of 163 kilometers on the South Xuping Expressway, the bus clashed at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour with Mr. Ans minibus parked without any warning signs on the inside lane, due to breakdown after an accident. The midsize bus overturned after collided with the guardrail on the right-hand side. As a result of the accident, 16 people were killed and 15 injured. What are the main illega acts of the two drivers?

A、Mr. Tao carried more passengers than permitted

B、Mr. Tao exceeded speed limit

C、Mr. An failed to place any warning signs in accordance with relevant stipulations

D、Mr. An was illegally parked


27、Where is the proper parking place for breakdown motor vehicles stopping for examination?

A、In the far outer lane

B、In the inner lane

C、In the emergency lane

D、Entrance area of the ramp


28、If a motor vehicle has an accident on a foggy day and stops on an expressway, which of the following acts is dangerous?

A、Leaving the motor vehicle as soon as possible

B、Standing outside the guardrail as much as possible

C、Turning on the hazard lamp and fog lamp

D、Placing a warning sign behind the vehicle in the oncoming direction


29、Drivers may turn left when traffic police give these hand signals.


30、When rescuing a wounded person who has been poisoned by toxic gas, which of the following measures should be taken first?

A、Prevent heat loss

B、Bring him/her to a place with fresh air

C、Give him/her artificial respiration

D、Depress the heart over the chest


31、When approaching a sharp curve, motor vehicle drivers should reduce speed only after entering the curve.


32、When rescuing a wounded person in coma causing by excessive blood loss, it is necessary to take measures to prevent heat loss.


33、At 3: 40 a.m. one day, Mr. Sun drove a large bus with 54 passengers(capacity 55 people). At the spot of 229 kilometers mark by 300 meters on Suiyue Expressway, the bus had a rear-end collision with a heavy semi-trailer driven by Mr. Li when passengers were getting off from the bus. As a result of the accident, 26 people were killed and 29 injured. According to the investigation afterwards, Mr. Li had been driving the bus since he left the place of departure at 6 p.m. the day before without any rest. What are the main illegal acts of the two drivers?

A、Mr. Sun illegally parked

B、Mr. Sun carried more passengers than permitted

C、Mr. Li exceeded speed limit

D、Mr. Li kept driving when tired


34、When a wounded person suffering burns is thirsty he/she may drink a small quantity of lightly salty water.


35、The sign in the red circle indicates that vehicles except non-motor vehicles are not allowed to drive in this lane.


36、When disembarking, what should be done by drivers in order to keep safe?

A、Opening the door and disembarking immediately after stopping

B、Observing the traffic situation ahead

C、Opening the door first and then observing the situation beside and behind the vehicle

D、Observing the situation beside and behind the vehicle before opening the door slowly


37、Under such circumstances, what should be done by motor vehicle drivers in order to maintain safe driving?

A、Sound the horn or turn on the headlamps

B、Reduce speed or drive on the right side

C、Keep to the central line as best as possible

D、Drive on the left side of the road


38、In the condition of low visibility, drivers should turn on the low-beam when setting off


39、Motor vehicles are not allowed to reverse in a tunnel.


40、When passing this mountainous road, motor vehicle drivers should drive along the center of the road.


41、How should lamps be used when setting off in this situation?

A、Turn on the high-beam

B、Turn on the left indicator only

C、Turn on the left indicator and low-beam

D、Turn on hazard lamp


42、During normal driving, the driver should do his/her best to run close to or on the central line so as not to allow oncoming vehicles any opportunity to occupy his own route.


43、The sign on the right warns for disabled people ahead.


44、The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that only left turns are permitted at the intersection ahead.


45、At 13: 10 pm, Mr Luo set out in his medium bus from 0 km mark on the highway, and by 14: 10 had passed the 125km mark by 200 meters, he caused a rear-end collision with a motor vehicle that ran into the side slope on the southwest side, killing 11 people and injuring 2. Which of the following law-breaking acts did Mr. Luo commit?


B、Driving not in accordance with traffic markings

C、Exceeding carrying capacity

D、Fatigued driving


46、The sign on the right indicates that turning right is not permitted at the intersection ahead.


47、Two parallel broken double-yellow lines indicate the position of a diversion lane.


48、Which of the following acts are prohibited when passing through a tunnel?



C、Making a U-turn



49、Under such circumstances, what should the motor venicle driver do?

A、Reduce speed and yield by the left side

B、Reduce speed and yield by the right side

C、Speed up and yield by the left side

D、Go ahead along the original route


50、What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle on the main road approaches a junction with a feeder road?

A、Slow down in advance and pay attention to other motor vehicles

B、Maintain the normal speed

C、Sound the horn and pass rapidly

D、Speed up and pass rapidly


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